This version of the system contains the following updates:
Product Updates:
- Added an export button in Lists > List Reports > Subscription Activity.
- Domains page has been re-skinned:
- New modal opens when creating a new domain.
- Added Domain Status, Verification, and Google Analytics tabs to page.
Bugs Zapped:
- Fixed issue with Transactional quota check not calculating correctly.
- Transactional quota now checks parent of department.
- Fixed issue with images in the Builder not sizing correctly, and not appearing correctly on mobile devices.
- Fixed issue regarding customer accounts when the customer is set to department. You can now set the customer account type even if the customer is set to department.
- Fixed issue with contacts duplicating within a Drip Campaign.
- Fixed issue with subscription form previews adding and removing contacts in a list.
- Fixed invalid reply issue when sending a test email with personalisation.
- Fixed issue with A/B Split test thumbnails not updating on Set-Up page.