Get a List of Transactions

This request will return a subset of all your transactions. You can include the page, count, order, direction, and filter variables to affect the list you receive.


Webhooks API Payloads (Transactional SMS)

Overview This page lists examples of the payloads that will be sent to registered transactional SMS webhooks. The webhook payloads may differ based on the event that triggered it, or whether certain settings have been enabled. The webhook event types are [...]


Webhook Retry Endpoint (Transactional SMS)

Overview Call this endpoint as a GET request to retry processing of failed webhook events using the URL that is provided below. NOTE: The platform will automatically retry webhooks when it fails to post data to a webhook’s configured endpoint. Currently, the [...]


Webhook Retry Endpoint (Transactional Email)

Overview Call this endpoint as a GET request to retry processing of failed webhook events using the URL that is provided below. NOTE: The platform will automatically retry webhooks when it fails to post data to a webhook’s configured endpoint. Currently, the [...]


Get A Single Webhook (Transactional SMS)

Overview Call this endpoint as a GET request to get a single webhook associated with your account. Endpoint Method URL GET https://{{your url}}/api/2.0/production/sms/webhooks/{{webhook_id}} Requests Example Curl Request curl --location [...]


Get All Webhooks (Transactional SMS)

Overview Call this endpoint as a GET request to get a list of all available webhooks associated with your account. Endpoint Method URL GET https://{{your url}}/api/2.0/production/sms/webhooks Requests Example Curl Request [...]


Update Webhook (Transactional SMS)

Overview Call this endpoint as a PUT request to update a webhook using the URL that you have provided in the body. Endpoint Method URL PUT https:// {{your_url}} /api/2.0/production/sms/webhooks/{{webhook_id}} Properties [...]


Create Webhook (Transactional SMS)

Overview Call this endpoint as a POST request to register a webhook using the URL that you have provided in the body. Endpoint Method URL POST https:// {{your_url}} /api/2.0/production/sms/webhooks/create Properties [...]


Fetch Reports on a Specified Email (API 3.0)

Overview You can use this request to retrieve messages on a specific email. Use the ID of the email you want the reports on, and specify which report you want the system to return. Endpoint Method URL [...]


Transactional Email Webhook Payloads

Overview This page lists examples of the payloads that will be sent to registered transactional email webhooks. The webhook payloads may differ based on the event that triggered it, or whether certain settings have been enabled. The webhook event type can be one [...]
