This version of the release contains the following updates:

Product Updates

  • Improved date comparison in filters.
  • Re-skinned Login and Reset Password pages.
  • New Landing Page detailed reports stats:
    • Visits.
    • Clicks.
    • Downloads (visible only if there are downloads).
  • New stats included in Landing page listing/history page:
    • Created by
    • Landing page title
    • Composition tool used
    • Published date
  • Landing page preview modal now displays attachment icon

Bugs Zapped

  • Fixed Filter test modal when a date is not filled in.
  • Fixed display issue with Subscription form required field.
  • Fixed landing page over reports graphs and download stats.
  • Fixed display issue on email history/listing page.
  • Fixed issue with personalisation values not showing on a landing page.
  • Fixed issue with email recipients “clicks” report.
  • Fixed display issues on landing page overview reports page.
  • Re-sending an email no longer fails when there are multiple contacts with the same email address.