Updates in this version include beginner and intermediate dashboards, API updates, and multiple bug fixes.
Two new dashboards have been introduced: Beginner and Intermediate. The dashboard now provide a better flow and access to product features.
Customer can set or update a contact’s status when importing a list. Can set status to ‘On’ or ‘Off’.
API Updates
- Create customer call.
- Update customer call.
- Create user call.
- Activation email call.
- Auto log in call.
- Customer suspend/unsuspend call.
- Top-up package call.
- Change customer package call.
Email Reports
- New Link Performance field in email reports shows how many unique contacts interacted with a link in your message.
- Message Properties interface redesigned; ‘Message details’ removed.
Email Composition & Sending
- The beta version of the email Builder has been released.
- The template selection interface has been redesigned. Mobile-friendly and responsive templates are now marked with relevant icons.
- Upload from ZIP UI fully implemented.
- Upload from URL UI fully implemented.
- Phase 1: Fast & more scalable queuing.
- Message size calculated during composition.
- Top-up and upgrade process revamped. Using Central instead of WHMCS.
- New user settings interface.
Bugs Zapped
- Profile update error.
- Invalid autoresponder tracking options.
- Import Notices.
- Problem with Spanish characters in from-name and subject.
- Autoresponders not personalising the reply and from email addresses.
- PHP notices.
- PHP Warnings.
- Edit trigger not working in Chrome.
- Language issues on imports and some message creation screens.
- List reports: Date filter broken.