This version of the system contains the following updates:
Product Update
- Import process update:
- Upload File and Copy & Paste have been split into two separate functions.
- A wizard section has been added to the second step of the Upload and Copy&Paste import processes.
- Two new filters have been added in Message Activity > Return Contacts:
- Has been sent but not read.
- Has been sent but not clicked.
- Filters have been re-ordered to the following:
- has not read.
- has read but has not clicked.
- has clicked.
- has not clicked.
- has been sent.
- has not been sent.
- has been sent but has not read.
- has been sent but has not clicked.
Bugs Zapped
- Standard Campaign wizard fixed to display the correct steps.
- When contact mobile is incorrect, a validation error message now displays.
- Email footer spacing now works correctly between “email was sent to” and the email address.
- Builder sections are now translating correctly.
- Drip campaign Copy Link page in Share reports, no longer has a send button.
- Login in Timeout modal/dialog no longer repeats labels.
- Logging in now closes the modal and unlocks the product.
- The “Forgot your password” link now works properly across all installs.
- The “more details” dialog no longer breaks on 1024×768 screen resolution.