Update a Transactional Template

Overview This request allows you to update an transactional template by specifying details such as the name subject line, HTML content, and enabling engagement reporting. It makes use of a PUT request, and uses the same request body as creating a new transactional [...]


Create a Transactional Template

Overview This request allows you to create a transactional template by specifying details such as the name subject line, HTML content, and enabling engagement reporting. Endpoint Method URL POST https://api.everlytic.net/transactional/email/v1/templates Request Body { [...]


Delete Transactional Template

Overview This request deletes a single transactional template using the template ID provided in the request Endpoint Method URL Parameters DELETE https://api.everlytic.net/transactional/email/v1/templates/[Template ID] [Template ID] - Unique string ID of the template to be deleted [...]


Get Single Transactional Template

Overview This request retrieves a single transactional template based on the provided ID. The template data contains information specific to the template such as the name, subject line, and from email address, as well as the HTML body content, and settings for tracking [...]


Save Transactional Suppressions

Overview This request allows email addresses to be added to the suppression list. These suppressions will be marked as user suppressions. Endpoint Method URL POST https://api.everlytic.net/transactional/email/v1/suppression Request Body { "emails" : [ [...]


Get Transactional Suppressions

Overview This request lists all transactional suppressions, the origin of the suppression, as well as a description of the suppression, if one was provided. The suppression origin can be one of bounce, user or unsubscribe. User suppressions refer to suppressions that have been [...]


Delete Transactional Suppressions

Overview This request allows you to remove a transactional suppression by email address. It will return a status of true if the email address was successfully removed from the suppression list, and false if the request was unsuccessful. A false response will usually [...]


Transactional API Migration

Transactional API Migration Important Note: Previously, if you wanted to view the status and details of a transaction, we provided endpoints that allowed you retrieve a single transaction (see Get Specified Transaction), or multiple transactions, with their corresponding status information. Now, [...]


List Transactional Suppressions – Unsubscribes

Overview This request lists all transactional suppressions. These include bounce, user, unsubscribe, etc. All types of transactional suppressions.  The response will provide a listing of 100 transactional suppressions per page. The maximum number of items you can query per page is 2000 using [...]
