Delete Transactional Suppressions – Unsubscribes

Overview This request allows you to delete transactional unsubscribe suppressions by email address.  An email address is specified by which the unsubscribe suppression will be removed. If it is successful, the API will respond with a 1 and if it is not successful, [...]


Get a List of Transactional Mail Groups

This request will return a subset of all your transactional mails groups. Use the page and count parameters to get the whole list.


Get Transactional Templates

Overview This request lists all transactional templates, as well as meta-data for the pagination of results. The template data contains information specific to the template such as the name, subject line, and from email address, as well as the HTML body content, and [...]


What’s a Feedback Loop (FBL)?

When sending emails to subscribers, it’s important to send to people that actually want to receive your newsletter. When receiving unsolicited email, users can delete the email, click on the ‘Report this email as Spam’ link or click on ‘Mark this as Junk’ in their email client.


Share Transactional Reports (Beta)

You can use this request to share reports on a specific transactional email. Use the ID of the email you want the reports on, and specify which report you want the system to return.


What does a ‘Failed’ message mean?

A message that’s been sent and shows up in Reports with a ‘Failed’ status means that it wasn’t successfully sent.


Share Transactional Reports

You can use this request to share reports on a specific transactional email. Use the ID of the email you want the reports on, and specify which report you want the system to return.
