Integrate our platform with your CRM or other data source to manage contacts and send messages.

Suspend a Customer

You can use this request to suspend a customer.


Unsuspend a Customer

You can use this request to reactivate a suspended customer.


Get Field Definition for the Specified Object

You can use this request to retrieve the definition for a specific object. Submit the name of the object and the system will return the field definitions.


Add Domains to the Platform

This API endpoint enables you to add a domain to our platform via an API call. Once added, the platform will send a domain verification email to the email address listed in the API call, so the domain can be verified.


eCommerce Contact Sync

Overview This request allows you to synchronize contacts from an eCommerce store to the store list in our platform. The Method Your URL is the address of your install. [...]


Fetch Reports on a Specified Email

You can use this request to retrieve reports on a specific email. Use the ID of the email you want the reports on, and specify which report you want the system to return.


eCommerce Order Notification

Overview This request allows you to trigger an already setup order notification workflow. You will do this when you want to add a contact that has made a purchase on an ecommerce store to a workflow. The Method [...]


Create a New Email Campaign

Email campaigns are used to send email messages to a list of contacts. Creating and sending the campaign are two different actions.


eCommerce Abandoned Cart

Overview This request allows you to trigger an already existing abandoned cart workflow. You will do this when you want to add a contact that adds an item to their cart and does not follow through on purchase a workflow. All of the [...]
