The API is a Web Service through which clients can access and manipulate their accounts. Custom fields and multi-value custom fields can now be incorporated into the API for all contact requests.
Custom Fields
Custom fields can now be included in the Create Contact API request. Requirements are the list ID, email status, and both the sanitized name and custom field name as it appears in the product.
Multi-value Custom Fields
Multi-value custom fields appear as regular custom fields, and will therefore follow the same format. The only difference will be each option appearing as a separate custom field.
The request is used to create a new contact, with the custom fields included in the request. The request will require a Method, Parameter, and Response as follows:
The Method
Type | Request | Method | Description |
REST | POST | https://[Your URL]/api/2.0/contacts | |
XML-RPC | Call | contacts.CreateContact | Pass the correct data with this function. |
Your method must be structured as follows:
Required Parameters
You must, at the very least, have either an email address or a mobile phone number when you create a new contact. You must also specify the lists the contact will belong to, and their subscription status.
Property | Type | Description | Default | Required | Read Only |
list_id | array | An array of list IDs with the subscription status for the contact. For example: array(1 => ‘unconfirmed’, 2 => ‘subscribed’) will subscribe the contact to list with ID 2, and add the contact as an unconfirmed contact to list 1. | empty | yes | no |
string | empty | yes | no | ||
mobile | string | Mobile | empty | yes | no |
Optional Parameters
You may include any of these optional parameters when adding a contact:
Property | Type | Description | Default | Required | Read Only |
country_id | integer | Country identifier | 1 | no | no |
city_id | integer | City identifier | 1 | no | no |
name | string | First Name | empty | no | no |
last name | string | Last Name | empty | no | no |
status | string | Status Possible values: on / off / suppressed | on | no | no |
preferred_email_format | string | Email format Possible values: html / text | HTML | no | no |
title | string | Title | empty | no | no |
company_position | string | Position | empty | no | no |
company_name | string | Company Name | empty | no | no |
department | string | Department | empty | no | no |
industry | string | Industry | empty | no | no |
address | string | Address | empty | no | no |
city | string | City | empty | no | no |
country | string | Country | empty | no | no |
state | string | Province / State | empty | no | no |
zip | string | Postal / ZIP code | empty | no | no |
telephone_office | string | Work Number | empty | no | no |
telephone_home | string | Home Number | empty | no | no |
telephone_fax | string | Fax Number | empty | no | no |
date_of_birth | integer | Date of birth (deprecated) | empty | no | no |
tags | string | JSON array containing tag names | empty | no | no |
birth_date | string | Date of birth | empty | no | no |
gender | string | Gender Possible variables: unknown / male / female | empty | no | no |
marital_status | string | Marital status Possible values: unknown / single / married | empty | no | no |
education_level | string | Education level | empty | no | no |
hash | string | hash_key | empty | no | no |
unique_id | string | Unique import identifier | empty | no | no |
id | integer | ID | empty | no | yes |
date_create | integer | Date created | empty | no | yes |
score | float | Contact score | 2 | no | yes |
rating | integer | Contact rating score | 2 | no | yes |
email_status | string | Email status Possible values: none / bouncing / bounced / always send | none | no | yes |
create_notifications | string | Create notification Possible values: yes / no | no | no | no |
email_bounce_hard_count | integer | Hard email bounces | 0 | no | yes |
email_bounce_soft_count | integer | Soft email bounces | 0 | no | yes |
block_bounce_count | integer | Consecutive block bounces | 0 | no | yes |
sms_bounce_hard_count | integer | Hard SMS bounces | 0 | no | yes |
sms_bounce_soft_count | integer | Soft SMS bounces | 0 | no | yes |
sms_bounce_consecutive_count | integer | Consecutive SMS bounces | 0 | no | yes |
complaints_count | integer | Complaints | 0 | no | yes |
forward_count | integer | Forwards | empty | no | yes |
invite_count | integer | Invites | empty | no | yes |
bounce_unidentified_count | integer | Unidentified bounces | 0 | no | yes |
autoresponder_count | integer | Autoresponders | 0 | no | yes |
email_message_ids | string | Email message identifiers | empty | no | yes |
sms_message_ids | string | SMS message identifiers | empty | no | yes |
email_message_count | integer | Email Messages | 0 | no | yes |
sms_message_count | integer | SMS Messages | 0 | no | yes |
message_reads_inferred | integer | Inferred reads | 0 | no | yes |
message_reads_unique | integer | Unique reads | 0 | no | yes |
message_link_clicks | integer | Link clicks | 0 | no | yes |
message_link_clicks_unique | integer | Unique link clicks | 0 | no | yes |
Type | Description |
integer | The ID of the updated contact. |
Custom Field Code
The code to create a new contact with the custom field included will look similar to this:
$json = ' { "name":"My first name", "lastname":"My lastname", "email":"[email protected]", "gender":"gender", "date_of_birth":"1234560000000", "mobile":"123456789", "cfv_textfield67":"insert text here." "on_duplicate":"update", "list_id":{"1234":"subscribed"} } '; $url = '(Your URL)/api/2.0/contacts'; $method = 'POST'; $cSession = curl_init(); $headers = array(); $auth = base64_encode($username . ':' . $apikey); $headers[] = 'Authorization: Basic ' . $auth; curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, strtoupper($method)); curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json); $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json'; curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); $result = curl_exec($cSession); curl_close($cSession);
Multi-value Custom Field Code
The code would be similar to this:
$json = ' { "name":"My first name", "lastname":"My lastname", "email":"[email protected]", "gender":"male", "date_of_birth":"371430000000", "mobile":"123456789", "name":"Author", "cfv_author12":"True" "cfv_blogger22":"False" "cfv_editor96":"False" "cfv_reader95":"True" "on_duplicate":"update", "list_id":{"1234":"subscribed"} } '; $url = '(Your URL)/api/2.0/contacts'; $method = 'POST'; $cSession = curl_init(); $headers = array(); $auth = base64_encode($username . ':' . $apikey); $headers[] = 'Authorization: Basic ' . $auth; curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, strtoupper($method)); curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json); $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json'; curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); $result = curl_exec($cSession); curl_close($cSession);