Send Batch Transactional SMS

Call this endpoint using a POST request to send multiple SMSs using the details provided in the body.


Method URL Parameters
POST https://[Your URL]/api/2.0/production/sms/batch [Your URL] – Your Everlytic Install URL, e.g.

Request Body

    "data": [
        ["27833000123”, "hello world", "custom_id_1"],
        ["27829000789", "hello planet", "custom_id_2"]


Property Description Data type Required
data Array to contain each individual SMS. Array Yes
Field 1 Mobile number for message to be sent to. Must be a valid SA number string Yes
Field 2 Content of SMS. Maximum 459 characters. string Yes
Field 3 Your custom ID assigned to this SMS transaction. string No

Example Request

curl --location '' 
--data '{ 
    "data": [
        ["27833000123”, "hello world", "custom_id_1"],
        ["27829000789”, "hello planet", "custom_id_2"]


Status codes

Status Explanation
200 OK Request received successfully. Does not mean all messages were successfully sent.
401 Unauthorized Invalid or missing authentication credentials.


Property Description Data type Parameters
failures Array containing the details of any failed messages. Array
mobile_number The mobile number the message was intended for. string
error The field responsible for the error Array
  • mobile_number
  • message
  • mobile_number
Present if the error was caused by the mobile number Array Array contains string with failure reason
  • message
Present if the error was caused by the message body. Array Array contains string with failure reason
error_code  Code associated with the reason for failure. string
  • 01
custom_id The custom ID that was set during sending. string Empty string if not provided

Example responses

All messages successful [200 OK]

  "failures": []

At least one message failed [200 OK]

    "failures": [
            "mobile_number": "23",
            "error": {
                "mobile_number": [
                    "The mobile number must be at least 9 characters."
            "error_code": "01",
            "custom_id": ""
            "mobile_number": "27830001234",
            "error": {
                "message": [
                    "The message field is required."
            "error_code": "01",
            "custom_id": "custom_id_2"

Invalid/Missing credentials [401 Unauthorized]

"Invalid credentials."